Driver Address Ball

Clubhead Position Behind Ball At Address. I was amazed to notice that you position the face of the club well back of the ball on your driver too.

Address the Ball at the perfect distance. The space between golfer and ball at address helps determine the distance between golfer and ball after.

Address Setup: Stance, Posture and

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One characteristic feature of a golf swing is

the fact that a golfer swings the club across the front of the body, while

the body is aligned at right angles to the ball-target line. That fact makes

it difficult to aim accurately. Another complicating issue is the fact that the clubhead moves on an inclined swing path that is tilted

approximately 45 degrees from the horizontal, and the body has to swivel

around in such a manner that the ideal swingpath is consistently realised. Because the body s

and subsequent movement is subservient to the clubhead s ideal swingpath, the body has to

adopt a stance and posture at address, that will allow a perfect swingpath to occur

naturally and consistently from swing-to-swing.

When watching a PGA tournament on TV, I

always admire the athletic posture and perfect body alignment of PGA tour

players as they get into their address position. PGA tour players always

appear to have the correct body angles at setup and their lively posture

gives them an enviable aura of athleticism. They

appear to be in a state of perfect readiness to be able to swing the club at

high velocity while maintaining perfect coordination and perfect balance throughout the swing. This

section of the review will examine their approach to the address setup,

dealing with the body s position at address, with a major focus on stance,

body posture, ball position and body alignment

Consider the appearance of a world-class PGA

Aaron Baddeley - from reference number 1

One can sense the pure athleticism of Aaron

Baddeley s setup posture. He seems perfectly poised to start the backswing.

He appears to be in perfect balance and also perfectly aligned relative to

the ball-target line. There appears to be a sense of liveliness in his

stance that will allow his body to move fluidly during the swing.

The same perfect posture can be seen in Nick

Faldo s address position - using a short iron when using a short iron,

Faldo has a slightly more bent-over posture and his arms hang down

more vertically from the shoulders causing his hands to be closer to his thighs.

Faldo at address- from reference number 2

There are so many features of Nick Faldo s

address position that are perfect -- foot stance width, degree of bend in

the knees more flexed than Aaron Baddeley s, degree of forward bend at the waist, straight lower back,

slightly rounded upper back, head in line with the spine, arms hanging

naturally down from the shoulders, hands close to the body, hands slightly

forward of the ball in the face-on view, head behind the ball in the face-on

view, slight tilt of the spine to the right causing the right shoulder to be

lower than the left shoulder, nose tilted to the right as the head turns

slightly to the right in sympathetic alignment with the spine tilt, body weight

seemingly centralised over the mid-feet down-the-line view and between the

In the following section of the review, I

will provide detailed advice on how a golfer can best mimic Faldo s perfect address

Getting started - adopting the correct

The easiest method of learning how to adopt a

perfect address position is to start from the groundup. David Leadbetter

recommends first starting with the body erect and the feet approximately a

shoulder s width apart. Then, one bends the knees slightly as if one is

getting ready to sit down on a bar stool - as demonstrated in the following

Address posture - from reference number 3

The correct amount of knee flex can be determined by looking down at one s

knees, and noting that a vertical line passing just in front of the kneecap

will pass through the balls of the foot, or through the junction of the forefoot and

midfoot - as seen in the following diagram. If the vertical line passes in

front of the toes, then the knees are too flexed. If the vertical line

passes through the rear end of the midfoot, then the knees are insufficiently flexed.

Flexed knee position - from reference

As one bends the knees, one should

simultaneously push the hips back so that one creates the appropriate bend

at hip level. It is important to bend at the hips and not the waist. To

accomplish that feat, one should have a distinct feeling that one is

sticking out one s rear-end as demonstrated by David Leadbetter in his

address posture photo. Note that if one bends at the hips, and not the waist, that

the lower back becomes straight, and not rounded and stooped. When one

adopts this straight back posture, one should feel like a diver at the edge

of a swimming pool, who is ready to dive head-first into the pool. Another

visual analogy is the to imagine the athletic position of a football

quarterback who is waiting to receive the ball or a professional tennis

player waiting to receive a serve. What particularly characterises these

static sport postures is a straight lower back, slight bend at the hips and

knees, and a sense of lively readiness in

the legs. The flexed knees should be perceived to be like coiled springs,

that can readily allow the torso and hips to swivel and turn with the utmost

If a golfer has difficulty getting the correct

flex at the hips rather than at the waist, then the following photo may be

Bending at the hips - from reference number

Note that the golfer has placed a clubshaft against the front of his upper

thighs, and he then bends forward at the hips while pressing the clubshaft

firmly against the thighs. This will enable him to stick-out his rear end

and bend appropriately at the hips.

If a golfer has difficulty adopting a straight

back position, David Leadbetter suggests positioning a clubshaft along the

length of the lower back - as demonstrated in the following photograph.

Adopting a straight lower back - from

It is important to realise that a golfer needs to adopt a straight lower back

posture without losing the slight roundness of the upper back. Trying to

adopt a straight back all the way from the hips to the neck results in

overly rigid, and unnatural, straight back back posture.

After a golfer has acquired the correct amount of knee flex, the correct bend at

the waist, and a straight lower back - then he should ensure that his head is is line

with the spine by straightening the neck. Many beginner golfers have an overly flexed

neck at address, because they are looking straight down at the ball. If the

neck is overly flexed, then the chin will impede the rotational

movement of the left shoulder in the backswing and the right shoulder in the

downswing, and thereby disrupt the swing. A golfer should make a conscious effort

to lift his chin slightly - and he may have a distinct feeling that he is

looking down over his upper cheek when looking down at the ball. However, a

beginner golfer shouldn t over-compensate, and over-straighten the neck and

thereby lose the rounded appearance of the upper back in the address

position. A good compromise head position is the position of David

Leadbetter s head in the photo above or the diagram below.

After a golfer has acquired the correct amount of

knee flex, the correct bend at the waist, a straight lower back and a

straightened neck - then the golfer should ensure that the hands hang vertically down from the

shoulders in a relaxed manner when the clubface is placed behind the ball. The golfer should avoid any

feeling that he is stretching out the arms towards the ball, and the

correct arm posture is demonstrated in the following artistic

Shoulder line - from reference number 4

Note that a vertical line passing down from

the middle of the shoulder will pass through the middle of the

upper arm, and pass just in front of the knee cap to hit the ground through

the forefoot. If a golfer adopts this postural recommendation, then he will have

acquired the correct amount of bend at the hips and the

If a golfer bends too much at the hips, then

the vertical line drawn from the middle of the shoulder will pass in front

of the forefoot. He will then note that his weight is not distributed evenly

between the heels and forefeet, and that there is too much weight over the

forefeet. That degree of forward weight distribution can cause a golfer to

become unbalanced during the downswing and predispose the golfer to falling

forward towards the ball during the downswing.

If a golfer bends too little at the hips, then the

vertical line will pass behind the kneecaps to hit the ground in the region

of the rear midfoot. The golfer will then be standing too erect, and there will be a

sense that there is more weight on the heels relative to the balls of one s

feet. Optimally, a golfer s weight should be evenly distributed

between the heels of the feet and the balls of the feet, and he should be able to

lift up the back of his heels slightly without becoming unbalanced if

his body weight is evenly distributed over the feet.

It is interesting to note that there should

be very little difference in the degree of bend-at-the-hip and the degree of

vertical arm positioning when hitting a driver compared to hitting a short

Consider the following photo of the

appropriate posture when hitting a driver, a long iron, and a short iron.

Distance from the ball - from reference

Note that there is roughly the same degree of bend at the

hips slightly more bent-over posture with the short iron and that a vertical line drawn down

from the middle of the shoulder passes just in front of the kneecap as it

passes down to hit the ground in the region of the forefoot. Note that the

arms hang vertically down from the shoulders when using an iron hands are

just inside the chin, and are only minimally stretched forward when using a

driver hands are directly under the chin, or just in front of the chin.

Note that the hands are very close to the thighs at address, and approximately

4-6 from the thighs when using a short iron, and approximately 6-8 from

the thighs when using a driver - and that there is only a 2 difference

between the two extreme hand positions.

Consider Tiger Woods body posture at address.

Tiger Woods address posture - from

In the first half of the composite image, Tiger Woods is

deliberately adopting an inappropriate for him over-bent posture. Note

that a line drawn vertically down from the midddle of his right shoulder

will pass far in front of his kneecap and hit the ground at his toe line. In

the second half of the composite image, Tiger is adopting his normal and

appropriate for him posture - a line drawn down vertically from the middle

of his right shoulder will pass just in front of his kneecap and hit the

ground under his forefeet. Also, note that his hands are under his chin and

approximately 6-8 in front of his thighs, and that a line drawn back along

the clubshaft towards his body will intersect his body at the level of his

belt buckle. Finally, note that if you drop a vertical line from the back

his rear end tush to the ground, that it passes only a few inches behind

the heel. A perfect posture for the modern, total body golf swing

when using a driver or fairway wood and near-identical to

Aaron Baddeley s address posture.

Now consider Aaron Baddely s posture from a

face-on view using the same address position photo.

Aaron Baddeley address position - from

There are two important features to note-: i Aaron

Baddeley s spine is tilted to the right and his right shoulder is lower

than the left shoulder, and his head is behind the ball; ii Aaron

Baddeley s left hip is slightly higher than the right hip.

This tilted spine postion is best appreciated

when viewing a golfer from behind, as seen in this artistic diagram from Leadbetter s

Tilted spine at address - from reference

These two address postural features are very

important, and this particular positional aspect of the address posture is called the

reverse K position, and it is demonstrated graphically in the following

Reverse K address position - from reference

Note that in this model called the ModelPro, that the

ModelPro has angled his right knee slightly inwards. Not all modern, total

body golfers do that, and Aaron Baddeley seems to have symmetrical knees.

Most importantly, note that the spine is tilted to the right and that the

right shoulder is lower than the left shoulder. This postural adjustment has

two important effects. First of all, it causes the head to move slightly to

the right and move behind the ball. Keeping the head behind the ball

throughout the backswing and downswing is a critical component of a good

golf swing. Secondly, during the backsing, rotating the torso around a

rightwards tilted spine allows the weight to more easily flow to the

right side without any jerky, superadded shift-movements. Thirdly,

notice that with the ball positioned forward near the left heel, and the

hands just forward of center just inside the left thigh, that the

clubshaft is angled slightly forwards - this address position encourages a

slightly upwards movement of the clubhead through the impact zone, which is

an advantage when driving a ball off a tee.

The recommended degree of rightward tilt of

the spine depends on the club being used. A distinct rightwards tilt of the

spine is recommended when using a driver, because a golfer wants the

clubhead to be travelling slightly upwards at the time of ball impact. With

a fairway wood and long irons, a golfer usually wants to sweep the ball off

the turf with a zero/minimal divot. Therefore, the rightwards tilt should be

minimal. With a short iron, the golfer often wants to hit down on the ball

with a descending blow, and excess rightwards tilt of the spine may be a

This next face-on view photo will allow me to discuss

three seperate address position issues -- stance width, weight distribution,

Leadbetter address position - from

First of all, note that Leadbetter flares

both feet open. Many golf instructors recommend a 10-30

degree flaring-out of both feet, because it allows the hips to rotate more

easily during the swing. Flaring the foot open allows the knee to move more

easily in response to rotatory movements, so that the knee can re-position

itself above the foot. This is especially relevant with respect to the left

foot during the downwsing, when the body weight is driven powerfully across

to the left side by an initiating lower body shift-rotation. Flaring the

left foot open allows the left knee to first move laterally and then

straighten, thus supporting the body weight directly over the left foot as

the lower body pivots around an axis centered in the region of the left

Regarding the driver, Leadbetter recommends

that the inner distance between the feet should be equal to the shoulder

Regarding mid-irons, Leadbetter recommends

that the outer distance between the feet should roughly be equal to shoulder

Regarding short irons, Leadbetter recommends

that the outer distance between the feet be less than shoulder width,

but not significantly less than hip width.

Some golfers, who lack flexibility, may personally find

Leadbetter s driver stance width recommendation to be too wide, because i it prevents their

hips from rotating fully during the downswing, and because ii it therefore prevents

easy/complete weight transfer to the left side during the downswing and

Another method of finding the correct stance

width, that takes body flexibility into account, comes from the book Total Golf

Stance width variations - from reference

The Total Golf authors recommend adopting a stance width,

and then turning the body 90 degrees so that the chest and hips fully face

the target. The correct stance width is the stance width that allows the

knees to get together and be in-line and the hips to fully rotate 90 degrees

number 2 in the above sequence of three stance width positions. Stance

width variation number 1 is too narrow and allows the hips to over-rotate,

while stance width variation number 3 is too wide, preventing complete hip

I think that each individual golfer should

experiment with these two stance width approaches to find the best balance

between rock-solid stability and easy hip flow. A stance width that favors

stability over easy hip flow may be preferable when using a driver, while

the opposite bias may be preferable when using a long/mid iron. Most PGA

tour players prefer to keep their lower body quiet when using a short iron,

and they try to avoid excessive lower body movement during their short iron

Weight distribution at address

Leadbetter recommends that the

weight distribution between the two feet right foot relative to left foot

should be with a driver, with a mid-iron and with a short

iron. These recommendations are not really controversial, and many golf

instructors make similar recommendations. Some golf instructors recommend

that the weight be evenly distributed between the feet for all clubs.

Notice that Leadbetter places his hands in

the same position, just left of center and just right of the inner left

thigh, for all clubs. Most PGA tour players routinely place their

hands in a similar position - somewhere between the center of their stance

and the left inner thigh. Notice that, with the hands in this position near

the left inner thigh, that the left arm is straight and roughly in line with

the clubshaft when using a mid-iron, and that the right elbow is slightly

Leadbetter recommends placing the ball just

inside the left heel for the driver ball position A, about 2 inches back of

that position for a 5-iron, and roughly in the middle of the stance for a

short iron ball position B. The total distance from ball position A to

ball position B is only about 3 about the width of two golf balls.

The Total Golf authors recommend a

position approach that relates the ball position to the chest. and not the

Ball position recommendations - from

Basing the ball position on its relationship to the torso

makes sense, because it eliminates the variable effect that varying degrees

of foot flaring may have on correct ball placement when it is solely based on stance width.

An important point about ball position in

these two ball position photographs - note that the head is always behind the ball

irrespective of which club is used. When using a short iron, some golfers

prefer to have their head directly over the ball, and the sternum marginally

ahead of the ball, so that they can hit down on the ball.

However, note that the clubshaft

angle/direction at address varies with different length clubs see

driver, the clubshaft is tilted slightly forwards in the direction of the

target, and this encourages a slightly upward swing path at the point of

ball impact. With a mid/long iron, the clubshaft is tilted only marginally backwards, and this encourages a flattish or slightly descending swingpath in the region of the

ball and a shallow divot. With a short iron, the clubshaft is tilted

backwards, and this encourages a steeper descending swingpath and a deeper

There are no fixed rules when it comes to

ball position, other than the general principle that the ball position

should generally be forward of the center of the stance. I know of no golf

teacher who recommends placing the ball back of the center position closer

to the back foot for standard non-specialised golf shots. Many golf

instructors recommend a fixed forward ball position eg. 3 inside the left heel

for all iron shots, and simply recommend moving the right

foot to vary the stance width, and consequently the ball s relationship to

the right-versus-left foot, for different clubs. There is considerable

logical support for such an approach. For example, when hitting a pitching

wedge, a golfer often wants to strike the ball with a more descending blow,

so that he can produce a high trajectory ball flight with added backspin. If

he positions the ball 3 inside the left heel and brings the right foot

closer to the left foot, so that his stance width is approximately equal to

hip width, then he can easily strike down on the ball while still keeping

his head marginally behind the ball. If he first adopts a stance that

is approximately equal to hip width, and then positions the ball in the

middle of his stance, then it is more likely that the ball will be further

than 3 back from the left heel, and the clubshaft may be angled back too

much. This greater angling back of the clubshaft causes the clubface to lose

loft, and it also causes the clubface to become more closed, thus aiming

left of the target see next photo.  Golfers should be aware of this

potential problem when using short irons.

Closed clubface secondary to an over-back

angled clubshaft - from reference number 8

An individual golfer may find the best ball

position for his individual full swing by personal experimentation - swinging different

clubs and seeing where the divot starts which roughly indicates the lowest

point of the swingarc. The ball should be positioned just behind the back

end of the divot. Golfers who have a significant hip slide during the early

downswing will need to position their balls more forward, compared to

golfers who have little hip shift in the early downswing. Most golfers will

probably find that their optimum ball position for most fairway clubs is

approximately 3-4 inside the left heel. Golfers with a large amount of hip slide

or leg drive in the early/mid downswing have to position the ball more

forward, and they may even decide to adopt

Ben Hogan s approach to ball positioning - he placed the ball just inside

the left heel for all clubs, and he moved his right foot forward and

closer to the ball line for shorter clubs see next photo.

Ben Hogan ball positioning - from reference

A few more points about the body position at

At address, the arms should be held close

together in front of the body, and the back of each elbow should point at

each related hip.  One should avoid allowing the elbows to point

sideways away from the body, so that the antecubital fossa hollow in the

front of the elbow of each elbow faces towards the opposite elbow s

antecubital fossa. The antecubital fossa of each elbow should face halfway

forward towards the ball, and a line drawn from each antecubital fossa

should intersect in front of the body, as demonstrated in the following

Elbow and forearm position - from reference

Finally, note that the right forearm is

closer to the ball line than the left forearm, and that one can see the left

forearm sticking out below the right forearm in the down-the-line view. If

the opposite situation occurs, and the left forearm is higher closer to the

ball line than the right forearm, then this will encourage a too-inside

swingpath in the early backswing takeaway. Some professional golfers keep

the elbows and the forearms in perfect symmetrical alignment when driving, because it

encourages a sweeping down-the-line swing action, rather than a steeper

Body alignment refers to the positioning of the body relative to the

The body should be aligned parallel to the ball-target line

for all standard shots, and each section of the body feet, knees,

thighs, hips, shoulders should be perfectly parallel to the ball-target

line - as demonstrated in the following artistic diagram.

Body alignment - from reference number 4

The most important part of the body that has

to be parallel to the ball-target line are the shoulders. The direction the

arms will swing across the front of the body during the downswing is very

much influenced by the direction of the shoulder line, and the arms will

tend to follow the shoulder line. If the shoulders are pointing to the right

of the target, then it is very likely that the arms will swing from

in-to-out across the front of the body during the downswing. If the

shoulders are pointing to the left of the target, then it is very likely

that the arms will swing from out-to-in across the front of the body during

Aiming refers to the method of aligning one s

clubface and body relative to the ball, so that the clubface faces the

target, and the body is subsequently aligned parallel to the ball-target line.

The best method of aiming is to stand about 6-12

feet directly behind the ball and then look down-the-line at the target.

This allows one to see the ball-target line in one s mind without any

distortion that occurs if one attempts to define the ball-target line

from a side-view. Many golf instructors then suggest that one choose an

intermediate target along the ball-target line, about 3-6 feet in front of

the ball eg. divot mark, clump of grass. Then one should move back to an

address position opposite the ball, and place the clubshaft at an

approximately 90 degree angle to the ball, so that the clubface faces the

intermediate target. If the clubface faces the intermediate target, then the

clubface must be perpendicular to the ball-target line.

Leadbetter aiming the club - from reference

When aiming the clubface, one should look at the lower 2-3

groove lines of the clubface, and ensure that those groove lines are at

right angles to the ball-target line. Don t look at the top of the clubface,

because the top of the clubface is often angled in such a manner that it is

not parallel to the clubface s groove lines. Also, note that the clubshaft

may not be at right angles to the the ball-target line when the clubface is

at right angles to the ball-target line - because clubs have varying degrees

of offset see photo. It is the clubface that needs to be at right

angles to the ball-target line, and not the clubshaft. When one has the

clubface s groove lines perpendicular to the ball-target line, then one

should build one s stance around the clubshaft so that one is standing along a

is perfectly parallel to the ball-target line. It is very important to

realise that one s stance and body knees, thighs, pelvis, shoulders is

positioned parallel to the ball-target line, and that one should not

look at the target to verify correct alignment when standing alongside the

ball in the address position. If one looks up at the target, the target

should appear to be a little to the right, because one is viewing the

target from an eye-viewing position that is approximately 2-3 feet left of the

ball-target line. Resist any inclination to change your stance/body

alignment so that you feel that you are directly facing the target,

because this will cause you to aim right of the target by approximately

10-20 degrees. The correct reference point for aligning the stance/body when

standing alongside the ball is the ball-target line which was previously

established when standing directly behind the ball, and not the

Shoulder alignment - from reference number

First of all, note that the feet are placed parallel to the

ball-target line. Then one should ensure that the rest of the body knees,

thighs, hips, shoulders is parallel to the ball-target line. Note that the

ball is aimed at the flagpole, which is equivalent to aiming at point X.

Note that the feet and shoulders appear to be aiming at point Y, which is far

left of point X. This is a critical point, and when one turn one s

head to look at one s left shoulder, it should appear to be be pointing well

left of the target. In fact, one shouldn t easily see the left shoulder out

of the corner of the left eye when one looks directly at the ball. If one

clearly sees the left shoulder in one s left eye s peripheral visual field when looking

at the ball, then it usually means that one is misaligned, and that the

shoulders are in a closed position and often pointing 10-20 degrees right of the

target. Many beginner golfers face 10-20 degrees right of the target

because they take aim at the target when standing sideways alongside the ball, and they subsequently, and mistakenly, align

their shoulders to face the target. To avoid that problem, a golfer should always

pre-visualize the ball-target line and the stance/body line when standing 6-12 feet

directly behind the ball, and then ensure that the two lines are parallel

to each other. The golfer should look to see where the body line will

eventually be pointing point Y and ensure that his shoulders are facing point Y

when he is finally in the completed address position. As a rough guide,

point Y will appear to be approximately 7 feet left  of point X for

every 100 yards of distance. Therefore, if one is aiming at a target 300

yards away, the left shoulder should appear to be pointing at a point that

is approximately 20 feet left of the target.

Many golf instructors state that a golfer

should imagine that the stance line should be parallel to the ball-target

line, and that both lines should point at the target - like railway tracks

Alignment technique - photos from reference

The author of the book Lupo recommends that a golfer should

place a club on the ground at the projected stance line so that

the club points at the target  as seen from behind - see image 1. He

then states that a golfer should place his feet on the

established stance line, which means that the shoulders/feet are

facing the target at address - image 2. I think that this maneuver is a

major mistake. If the feet and shoulders are facing the target at address,

then the true alignment will likely be in the direction of the

red arrow in image 3 -  about 10-20 degrees right of the target. I

highly recommend that golfers adopt my alignment recommendations as

demonstrated in image 4. First establish the ball-target line by standing

directly behind the ball. Second, locate an object eg. tuft of grass or

divot mark about 6 feet away on the ball-target line - red dot, labelled

X. Third, stand alongside the ball, and place the clubhead

behind the ball so that the clubface short blue line faces point

X. Fourth, make sure that your foot stance line is perpendicular

to the clubface, which means that the stance line is parallel to the

ball-target line - yellow line. Fifth, make sure that an extension of the

stance line yellow line points well left of the target double-headed red

arrow - as viewed when glancing out of the corner of the left eye at the

left shoulder. As a rough approximation, the width of the double-headed red arrow

at the target should be about 7 feet for every 100 yards of distance.

Another way of thinking about, and adopting,

the correct alignment is as follows-:

At address, the stance/shoulder line should

be parallel to the ball-target line and about 3 away - like two railway

tracks. However, when looking at two railway tracks as they proceed into the

far distance, they appear to converge on a single point at the far horizon.

That causes a golfer to incorrectly think that he can aim his shoulders at

the target eg. 250 yards away and be correctly aligned. However, that s

not true. One needs to first establish an imaginary ball-target line when

standing behind the ball, and then simultaneously imagine a stance line 3

away from the ball-target line, where the stance line is parallel to the

ball-target line. Then, remembering the stance line s position in one s

mind,  one should move around to the side of the ball and place one s

feet on that stance line. Then, if one looks out of the corner of the left

eye at the left shoulder - when standing in the address position - it should

appear to be aimed well left of the target about 7 feet for

every 100 yards of distance and this is due to parallax distortion when one

mentally projects the imaginary line between the left eye and the left

shoulder into the far distance. The 7 number is an approximation.

Here is another method of understanding this perspective

distortion - that is based on a golfer s viewing position.

The top diagram represents a golfer standing on the

ball-target line with his head directly over the ball. The small circle

represents his head and the large oval represents his shoulders as viewed

from above. The red dot represents a target on the ball-target line that is

200 yards away. The blue dot represents a target on the ball-target line

that is 100 yards away. From his viewing perspective on the ball-target

line, his shoulders are in a straight-line relationship to the two targets.

The bottom diagram represents the same golfer - who has

stepped back 3 feet, while keeping his shoulders parallel to the ball-target

line. Now, when the golfer looks at the two targets from his

new viewing position on the stance line, they

appear to be to the right. The blue target appears

to be more degrees to the right than the red target see the blue and red

arrows. If he turns his head marginally to the left and looks at his left

shoulder out of the corner of his left eye, to

assess where his shoulders are pointing, it will appear that his

shoulders are pointing to the left of the two targets yellow arrow.

Address setup and alignment tips

presented in a question-and-answer format :

1. Question: Is there an advantage to

Answer: An open stance exists when the

body is not aligned parallel to the ball-target line, but the right side of

the body is aligned closer to the ball-target line than the left side of the

body. Advanced golfers frequently often adopt this posture, especially on

short iron shots. An open stance limits hip rotation to the right during the

backswing and thereby keeps the backswing more compact, controlled and less

loose. It also allows for a freer, smoother, more fluid flow of the

mid-torso through the impact area during the downswing/early followthrough,

because the hips can more easily rotate to the left when the stance is open.

An open stance encouraging forward hip movement during the downswing is

useful when using an abbreviated backswing for a short iron shot eg. half

backswing to the 9 o clock position with a wedge because there is less

forward momentum generated from a half-swing backswing position, but one

still needs to have a complete followthrough on half-wedge shots. Some golf

instructors therefore encourage golfers to routinely place their right foot

1-2 closer to the ball-target line, compared to their left foot, when

hitting short iron shots that have an abbreviated shortened backswing.

2. Question: When do advanced golfers

deliberately use a closed stance.

Answer: A closed stance exists when

the left side of body is closer to the ball-target line than the right side

of the body. An advanced golfer may adopt this stance when he deliberately

wants to draw the ball. A closed stance predisposes the backswing to occur

along a more inside track, which subsequently causes the downswing swingpath

to approach the ball from more inside-the-line. A closed stance also impedes

easy body rotation to the left during the downswing/followthrough, thereby

encouraging an in-to-out downswing path, rather than an in-to-in swingpath.

An in-to-out downswing path combined with a neutral clubface pre-aimed down

the ball-target line will produce a draw ball flight pattern. A closed

stance is disadvantageous for standard full shots when one doesn t want to

delberately hit a draw, because it impairs the

forward rotation of the torso through the impact zone. If the easy rotation

of the torso to the left is impeded during the downswing, then the arms

will likely outrace the body and whip across the body to the left in the early

followthrough. This will produce unwelcome pulled shots and/or duck hook

flexibility affect stance width choice.

Answer: Body flexibility has a huge

effect on stance width choice. Golfers who have very flexible hips and legs

can adopt a wider stance when using a wood or long iron, because they have

the flexibility that will allow the hips to fully rotate through the shot

without any mechanical impedance. A wider stance allows the golfer to

generate more power and hit the ball greater distances. Golfers with less

body flexibility in the mid-torso and legs should adopt a narrower stance.

They may think that they are giving up some power-generating ability by

adopting a narrower stance, but an

inability to easily move the torso through the shot to a complete finish

position may be a bigger power-drain.

4. Question: Why is it advantageous to

also move one s sternum, as well as the right foot, forward when hitting a

Answer: If one adopts a fixed ball

position for all iron shots that is approximately 3 inside the left heel,

then one would normally move the right foot closer to the left foot in order

to achieve a narrower stance width distance between the outer feet approximately equal to hip width when

hitting a wedge shot. If one doesn t move the sternum forward at the same

time, then the sternum will be behind the ball and it is difficult to

achieve a descending ball strike, which is often desirable with short iron

shots. By moving the sternum to a position where it is marginally

ahead of the ball, it becomes easier to achieve a descending ball strike.

5. Question: Why is it advantageous to

point each elbow at their respective hip joint in the address position.

Answer: If the left elbow points

outwards away from the left hip joint at address, then the left forerarm has

adopted an over-rotated position. That will predispose one to an excessively

flat backswing plane in the early takeaway. If the right elbow points

outwards away from the right hip joint at address, then it is difficult for

the right elbow to fold naturally, like a hinge in a door, in the early

6. Question 7: Jack Nicklaus, like Ben

Hogan, also positioned his ball just inside the left heel for all

clubs. Why do modern PGA tour players, like Nick Faldo, prefer to position

their ball about 3 inside the left heel for all fairway clubs.

Answer: Jack Nicklaus had very

powerful legs and a tremendous leg drive in the downswing and he often ended

up with his left leg bowed slightly outwards at impact - see the next

Jack Nicklaus swing - from reference number

Nick Faldo, like most present-day PGA tour players, do not

attempt to drive their legs aggressively forward like Nicklaus. They pivot around a

downswing axis centered in the region of the left armpit, and the lowest

point of their downswing arc is well inside the left heel for fairway clubs.

The following diagram demonstrates where Nick

Faldo likes to position his ball for all fairway shots - 3 inside the left

Faldo ball position - from reference number

Nick Faldo routinely positions his ball 3-4 inside the left

heel for all fairway clubs top diagram. He avoids positioning the ball

further forward, because it would cause him to pull his right shoulder

forward to reach the ball at address, and this would predispose hin to hitting the ball from a

slightly outside-in direction, thereby causing the ball to pull left left

bottom diagram. He especially avoids positioning the ball too far back,

because he wouldn t have time to square the clubface during the downswing,

and this would result in weak, pushed shots right bottom diagram.

7. Question: Should the club lie flat

Answer: No. The club should have a

slight upright lie at address. At the impact position, the hands will be at

a slightly higher position than they were at address, and the clubshaft

angle will be slightly steeper. That higher hand position will cause the lie

to be slightly flatter at impact this issue is discussed at greater length

in the impact section of this critical review.

8. Question: If the right hand is

lower on the grip than the left hand, doesn t that pull the right shoulder

forward, thereby making it impossible for a golfer to square the shoulders

Answer: That problem is avoided

because the golfer tilts his spine slightly to the right at address. That

drops his right shoulder downwards - see the following diagram.

Shoulder tilt at address - from reference

When the golfer tilts his spine slightly to the right at

address, that causes his right shoulder to drop down, and he can reach down

to the club without having to bring his right shoulder forwards. It also

causes his hands to move away from a centralised position between the thighs

to a final hand position closer to the left thigh.

2. A Swing for Life. Nick Faldo.

3. 100 Golf: Unlocking your true golf

4. The Golf Swing. David Leadbetter.

5. Total Golf. Mike Adams and T.J. Tomasi.

6. Swing Like a Pro. Ralph Mann and Fred

7. Tiger Woods: How I Play Golf. Tiger Woods.

8. Your Perfect Swing. Jim Suttie.

9. Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf. Ben Hogan.

10. The Complete Encyclopedia of Golf. Edited by Paul Foston.

11. How to Master a Great Golf Swing. Maxine

12. Golf my Way. Jack Nicklaus.

13. The Winning Formula, Nick Faldo.

Swing Extremes: Driver Setup. In addition, try the following drill, which is an easy way to help you set up behind the ball at address with the driver.

How to Address the Golf Ball

Here s how to make sure you are address the ball in a way to give you a greater chance of success: 1. Alignment – It all starts with your alignment.

Driver Shaft Position at Address. Mon, and setup are just a few of the things that must be correct before you can become a consistent driver of the golf ball.

Address Setup: Stance, Posture and feet aligned more square relative to the ball-target line at address just inside the left heel for the driver ball.

Many beginning or high handicap golfers know that they are going to have to hit balls on the range in order to improve, but few of them realize how important the setup is.  The swing starts with how you address the ball.  If you setup correctly you can hit a good shot even without your best swing.  If you setup incorrectly, a great swing will still result in a poor shot.

What can a proper setup help you achieve.  Addressing the ball the right way keeps you in balance through your entire swing, helps you generate power, lines you up to your target, and increases the consistency of your contact.  All of those things sound pretty great right.

Here s how to make sure you are address the ball in a way to give you a greater chance of success:

1.  Alignment - It all starts with your alignment.  Everything on your body should be aligned parallel to your target.  That includes your feet, knees, hips, forearms, shoulders, and eyes.  Start out standing behind the ball and drawing an imaginary line to the target.  Then try to find an intermediate target a few feet in front of your ball then aim your club up with it.  Don t move the club until you have your feet in place.  Think about your feet and the ball being on different sides of a railroad track running straight down your line.

2.  Feet - If you want to be balanced throughout your swing then make sure your feet are close to shoulder width apart.  You might need to spread them out a little further for the longer shots and you can narrow them a bit for the close ones.  Your left foot needs to be slightly open to allow you to turn through the shot, while the back foot can be squared towards the target.  Your weight should be on the balls of your feet, not on the heels or on the toes and balanced evenly between the two.

3.  Ball Position – Your swing is a natural arc and that arc has to have a bottom.  You want to make sure the bottom of your natural swing is where the ball is placed in your stance.  If your weight is evenly balanced then the ball should be

placed in the dead middle of your stance for short irons wedges, 9, 8, 7.   Note that you should check the back of your heels, not your toes.  If you open your front toe slightly placing the ball in the middle will move it forward slightly and will lead to either fat shots or a compensation in your swing to get to the ball.  For the longer irons, hybrids, and fairways move the ball slightly forward about the width of the ball in your stance, then your driver should be placed around 2-3 inches away from your left foot.   Take a look at the photo to the left I found describing the correct ball position.

4.  Posture – The correct posture is difficult to describe.  You want to flex your knees a little bit but avoid squatting down.  Instead of thinking about bending over at your hips, you should move your pelvis back.  Your back and head should be straight.  The front of your shoulders should be over the tips of your shoes.  Take a look at the photo to the left I found that demonstrates good posture.

Dec 16, 2014  Video embedded  Set Up to Hit the Ball on the Center of the Face Most golfers set their driver on the ground at address. This results in a high percentage of driver.

Address setup