Vbscript Serial Number

VB Script to show Serial Number or Service tag. In case if you want to create an external tool launching a VBscript you should enter the following values into the.

Retrieve Model and Serial Number with VBScript

Oct 29, 2009  VBSCript to Set Serial Number for a VM Examples script for setting the serial number of a Virtual PC 2007 virtual machine.

Re: Use VBScript to find and display my computer s serial number. Posted 30 October 2011 - PM.

vbscript serial number

PC serial number using vbscript How could I remotely retrieve the serial number of pc s not on the domain I found a script that works great against remot. I ll cover.

vbscript serial number

Serial.vbs - Monitor a Serial Device like a modem or a UPS connected to a COM port. ActiveXperts Network Monitor ships with a powerful set of pre-defined checks.

VBS Script – Get USB Drive Serial Number. The serial number is presented in a text box which allows you to copy and paste it into another window. VBS Script.

Retrieve Model and Serial Number with VBScript

Simple script to retrieve information about a workstation or hardware.

Set objWMIService GetObject winmgmts: _

impersonationLevel impersonate. strComputer root cimv2

Set colSettings objWMIService.ExecQuery _

Select from Win32_ComputerSystem

For Each objComputer in colSettings

Wscript.Echo System Name: objComputer.Name

Wscript.Echo System Manufacturer: objComputer.Manufacturer

Wscript.Echo System Model: objComputer.Model

Set colItems objWMIService.ExecQuery _

SELECT FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct

Wscript.Echo Serial Number: objItem.IdentifyingNumber

I use this page as a holding tank for scripts I use to administer a Windows and Linux infrastructure. As a Database Administrator I have experience administering Microsoft SQL, Oracle 8i and 10g, and MySQL 4 and 5.I manage Windows Server, Linux SuSe Enterprise, Debian, Red Hat, and Ubuntu. I use PowerShell and System Center Orchestrator to manage Windows Server. I write for the web in C and PHP.

Feel free to use these scripts anyway you like, but use them at your own risk. Be sure to leave comments about what works and what doesn t work.

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vbscript serial number

Retrieve Model and Serial Number with VBScript. Simple script to retrieve information about a workstation or hardware. strComputer . Set objWMIService GetObject.